Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

Improving people's lives and the state of education is a driving force behind Neo-Elite's development.

Neo-Elite is devoted to building the leading brand of English education in China. With a sense of social responsibility, Neo-Elite supports the welfare of China and its people, educating its children with care.

Neo-Elite strives to remain a leading,

brand of English education in China and


Social Welfare,
social responsibility

Social Welfare

Neo-Elite has long been a supporter of charity, contributing to the impoverished disaster relief programs,
and other social causes. Supporting such causes is central to Neo-Elite's mission.

Ningxiang, Changsha, Hunan Flood Relief

After severe floods in July 2017, the people of Changsha suffered considerable loss and damage. The Neo-Elite family raised funds in support of these victims.

Student Assistance for Liu Shu Village Primary School, Huayuan Town, Hubei

On August 28, 2018, in collaboration with the Shenzhen Charity Society and Tencent Foundation, Neo-Elite launched "Neo-Elite Aid for the Future". The project aims to improve school conditions and the overall education experience for students in an impoverished area of rural China.